Ode to Tanya

Growing up I used to be, what would be considered, a plain Jane (never really liked make-up or dressing up). I would only make the effort for special occasions. My sister on the other hand NEVER went out the door without first "making the effort" to dress properly, put on make-up, accessorize appropriately, hair always perfect. She was well known and sometimes even teased by friends and family about her need to always be perfectly coiffed...
When Tanya died in 2010 of Ovarian Cancer, my life changed significantly and permanently... Not long after she passed on, I looked at my pale face in the mirror and decided as an "ode to Tanya" I would "make the EFFORT" to look better... 
Now as I go through my morning ritual of getting dressed and putting on make-up etc I am always thinking of her, and feel her approving... Although there are far more profound lessons and memories my sisters life and existance has brought to my life... This is one of the things that connects me to her, its a part of her that i carry with me... I've certainly received very positive feedback from those who know me, and maybe I finally understand why it was so important for her to do. If you look good, you'll feel good...
Its almost been 3 years ago that my sister went to be with the Lord and still my heart is sad beyond belief that I don't have her with me, but happy that she is where she most wanted to be...

To anyONE who cares to read my blog or is even remotely interested in what I have to say, I would like to say thank you for "making the effort" I hope you found something here for you today... :)

God bless


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