Technology is Amazing
I begin to love this creature,
and to anticipate her birth
as a fresh twist to a knot,
which I do not wish to untie.
- Mary Wollstonecraft
On Tuesday, 8 December 2009, we went for a 4D Ultrasound Scan at Peek-a-Babe in Goodwood (Mel is the most amazing person). This was our baby's first "television" debut to an audience of 5. My husband, mother in-law, sister, myself and the sonographer (of course) was there to witness it. I felt a little anxious because we were to learn whether our little one was a girl or a boy. We were certain that we were having a boy, until my husband had a dream, a week before the scan. He dreamt that our baby was born (we were in a pink room) and my youngest daughter came in to see her sibling and picked the baby up and that was when he saw that the baby was a girl. She was very strong and had long legs. So God pretty much prepared us for the fact that we were expecting a girl and that she will be born strong and healthy. But of course like anyone who receives dreams of this nature (sarcastically said) we thought that we probably knew better and kept believing that we are having a boy. (ok at this stage my husband will insist that that only applies to me... lol) Well of course the scan confirmed that we were having a girl and more specifically she has long legs... I conceded... To hear her little heartbeat and see her moving and being, was amazing. She was hiding behind her arms and legs for the most part. When I saw her all cuddled up in my womb my heart just melted. We were all just staring at the screen. After my ordeal at the beginning of this year I am treading lightly but I pray that God helps me to fully engage in every moment of this pregnancy. I want to... no I need to be 100% present and 100% connected to this little one...
Now we need to come up with a name. I'm not sure why we battle so with girls names... when we anticipated a boy it seemed easy enough. And to complicate matters even more, there is four of us (not counting everyone else who wants to weigh in on this decision) who needs to be in agreement regarding the name, I hope that we will be able to give her a name soon. Technology is really amazing, to be able to see our little one in my womb so perfectly formed, to see her move and play and kick... WOW WOW WOW. We have an idea of what she will look like and we're even getting a glimpse of her personality, it's awesome.
"A great adventure is about to begin." Winnie the Pooh
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