Technology is Amazing
I begin to love this creature, and to anticipate her birth as a fresh twist to a knot, which I do not wish to untie. - Mary Wollstonecraft On Tuesday, 8 December 2009, we went for a 4D Ultrasound Scan at Peek-a-Babe in Goodwood (Mel is the most amazing person). This was our baby's first "television" debut to an audience of 5. My husband, mother in-law, sister, myself and the sonographer (of course) was there to witness it. I felt a little anxious because we were to learn whether our little one was a girl or a boy. We were certain that we were having a boy, until my husband had a dream, a week before the scan. He dreamt that our baby was born (we were in a pink room) and my youngest daughter came in to see her sibling and picked the baby up and that was when he saw that the baby was a girl. She was very strong and had long legs. So God pretty much prepared us for the fact that we were expecting a girl and that she will be born strong and healthy. But of course like anyone ...