Eternal Echoes

"The day is a chase after ghost duties; at evening you are exhausted. A day is over, and so much of it was wasted on things that meant so little to you, duties and meetings from which your heart was absent. Months and years pass, and you fumble on, still incapable of finding a foothold on the path of time you walk. A large proportion of your activity distracts you from remembering that you are a guest of the universe, to whom one life has been given. You mistake the insistent pressure of daily demands for reality, and your more delicate and intuitive nature wilts... Your way of life has little to do with what you feel and love in the world but because of the many demands on you and responsibilities you have, you feel helpless to gather your self; you are dragged in so many directions away from true belonging." So wrote John O'Donohue in his book Eternal Echoes: Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong

I have always loved the practice of keeping a journal. I used to keep one myself, until it became a tool that was used against me in a quest to "expose" me, for whatever reason. I was hurt by that episode and so I stopped journalling. I have been trying for years now to start again, but for some or other reason I find it really hard to bring myself to be that liberated with my thoughts again. This blog is my attempt at healing myself and bringing freedom to my inner being.

I am writing it largely for myself and maybe for a soul or two who may find something here that is useful, maybe it would offer some amuzement to some bored soul, at least.

I am no writer or philosopher, I am just an ordinary person, who is not rich or famous. I value life above all of these anyway. My belief is that "you are valueable just for BEING, period". I am a wife to ONE husband and a mother of four, three still living and one who passed away. All girls... I love God above all else and I love my family with my whole heart. I feel loved everyday and I feel happy and at peace....

Like the excerpt above reflects my heart too longs to live authentically and fully and I hope that at the end of my days it could be said of me that I LIVED and MOVED and HAD my BEING! And more importantly that I did so in CHRIST.


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